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World Class Holiday Destinations in Southeast Asia

World Class Holiday Destinations in Southeast Asia - Southeast Asia is home to some of the world's most stunning beaches and luxury resorts. So if you are arranging your stay in Wisata Bali, or if you're still thinking on where to go in your vacation, this article will give you four of the most beautiful beaches in Southeast Asia that you should not miss.

Mui Ne Beach Phan Thiet, Vietnam - This place is noisier than Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City though with fewer tourists than Nha Trang or Hue. Phan Thiet is likewise beautiful and promising vacation destination that has lots to offer such as their West-east stretching mountains, unspoiled beaches, infinite sand dunes, colorful old harbor, post-card perfect fishing village, fresh seafood and a very hospitable people. Surely, all of these will capture your heart and will be one of your favorite vacation destinations in the future.

Often considered the ultimate beach destination in Vietnam and a short trip from Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Ne Beach offers visitors white sand and incredible resorts as well as a wonderful golf course. You can expect the freshest sea foods there is in this country since Phan Thiet is a fishing village. There are wonderful sights in the area for day trips, such as the giant sand dunes and picturesque fishing villages nearby.

Chaweng Beach, Ko Samui, Thailand - This beach has all the action and beach life combined for you in one spot. Chaweng Beach is the most popular island of Koh Samui. Its length is about 6 km of white sand beach with lots of room to serve visitors. The beach is stunning with soft sand and picturesque blue water. There is an abundance of amazing bungalows nestled in the trees just beyond the sand, making this an experience you won't soon forget. The small city behind the beach offers great Thai restaurants, shopping and exciting nightlife. Don't miss other interesting beaches in the area such as Lamai beach and the famous Chaweng Beach.

Paket Tour Bali

Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, Malaysia - If you're looking for solitude and privacy, this Cove is one of the more private beaches you'll find in Southeast Asia. All the beauty of a postcard is n this area with its wide beach of soft sand and palm trees and deep blue waters that are perfect for swimming. Since this beach has only one resort there's plenty of privacy and space to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings.

The most popular dive sites in the area are here including: Big Mount, Pulau Paku Kecil, and Boulder Dash. Additionally, if you're looking for a honeymoon destination, retreat or romantic get-away, you'll find collections of authentic local and international cuisine in this ideal atmosphere. This resort is a must for travelers who want to experience the clean tropical atmosphere attributed to Southeast Asia. They also provide comfortable facilities and numerous recreational areas nearby, most especially scuba diving.

Lombok, Indonesia - Just a stone's throw from Wisata dan Tour ke Bali, the beaches here also offer privacy and beauty. With the blue water and pure white sand you might think you're in paradise, the perfect place for a romantic getaway or a holiday of peace and relaxation. Senggigi Beach is the main tourist center and beach in Lombok. You can also visit the East of Lombok if you'd rather have a more secluded place to visit. It is less developed giving you a peek into the life of rural Indonesia. For a more exciting adventure, you can see Mount Rinjani National Park. Mount Rinjani is an active volcano, which makes it ideal place to visit. The sights are breathtaking, making it not difficult to understand why local people revere this as a sacred mountain. No matter what kind of holiday you are planning to have, try to visit Lombok, it's definitely worth everything, from your effort to your budget.

So if you're in the process of booking Bali hotels for your trip or you're just starting, perhaps you might want to consider the idea of extending your holiday to enjoy the beauty of the beautiful beaches of Southeast Asia.


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